Thornhill residents Val Tyrteos and Vicky Keenan at last year’s fete.

Book the date for Thornhill’s family fun day and fete

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There’s great excitement in the air as preparations for Rand Aid’s Thornhill Manor retirement village’s annual family fun day and fete get underway.

The fete will be held on 14 October, from 9am to 1pm, at Thornhill Manor, West Lake Drive,  Modderfontein.

There will be many bargains to be had and wide selection of food and refreshments, including baked goods, pickles, preserves, boerewors rolls, egg and bacon rolls, German foods, pancakes, curry and rice, deli items and a tea garden.

Various stalls are set to delight, including honey and bee products, sewn and knitted items, books, CDs, DVDs, recycled cards, Christmas tags and crowns, home crafts, art, jewellery, calendars, decoupage, handbags, leather items, mosaic, Disney collectables and a White Elephant stall.

There will also be various raffles and live music by Rudi van Niekerk.

All funds raised go directly to the retirement village fund and are spent on a project, decided on by the residents, that will benefit all residents.