Engen steps up in support of Merewent Cheshire Home

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Merewent Cheshire Home has provided care to South Durban residents living with disability for almost three decades; but now amidst a funding crunch the home is facing major challenges to continue covering the basic needs of its vulnerable residents.

Identified by the Community-Engen Joint Committee as a community service in need of support, Engen has stepped forward in support of the home with a R40K total contribution, including a R10K fuel voucher and medical equipment such as a Blood Pressure Monitor, Blood Glucose Monitor, Bath Hoist and a Medical Trolley.

Merewent Cheshire Home provides residents with 24-hour care, nutritious meals, laundry and cleaning, access to a nurse and social worker, psychosocial support, specialized transport as required, social activities, sports and other forms of development and entertainment.

Engen’s head of Transformation and Stakeholder Engagement, Dr James Xolani Nyawera was joined by members of the Community-Engen Joint Committee at the official handover, which took place at Merewent Cheshire Home on 10 August 2023.

“Community well-being and disability inclusion is one of Engen’s key social investment focus areas, giving the company the opportunity to contribute towards inclusive disability rights in South Africa,” commented Dr Nyawera.

Manager of Merewent Cheshire Home, Winnie Mkhize, thanked Engen for their support.

“We are grateful to Engen for their generous donation. The medical equipment and fuel donation will benefit our 45 residents who are from the surrounding areas of Wentworth, Merebank and Umlazi,” said Mkhize.

As a longstanding and committed member of the South Durban community, Engen welcomes collaboration with the South Durban community to establish a healthy and sustainable relationship that is in the best interests of all parties.

Engen continuously engages openly and transparently with a broad representation of South Durban community representatives through the Community-Engen Joint Committee to address matters of concern and to explore the co-creation of future opportunities.

Engen donated medical equipment, including a blood pressure monitor, blood glucose monitor, bath hoist and a medical trolley to Chesire Home.

“The open Community-Engen Joint Committee is Engen’s primary platform of engagement with the South Durban community, through which numerous community-led outreach initiatives aimed at uplifting and empowering the local community continue to be jointly and effectively spearheaded,” said Nyawera. 

The Community-Engen Joint Committee holds regular meetings to give and receive feedback around pertinent issues.

Added Nyawera: “The broad aim is to develop a good working relationship with the immediate fence-line and broader South Durban community and to forge a supportive relationship between Engen and the community.

“As a caring and inclusive company with ‘heart’, we hope that our donation goes a long way to providing dignity and comfort to residents of Merewent Cheshire Home.” 

Merewent Cheshire Home in Austerville, Durban was opened on 1 June 1994 and is one of 16 service centres in South Africa, and one of five in the greater EThekwini Area, all of which are affiliated to Leonard Cheshire International in London.
