The most comprehensive media study ever produced in South Africa is launching next week. The Broadcast Research Council of South Africa (BRC), Publisher Research Council of South Africa (PRC) and Nielsen South Africa are proud to introduce Fusion22, bringing together the combined data of effectively 56 219 respondents into a single study.
Fusion matches respondents from different surveys and combines them into a single dataset. In this case Fusion22 will comprise five fused surveys, (three of which are industry currencies), which is over 500 media vehicles and over 1800 brands.
Originally all stand-alone surveys, Fusion22 will contain the fused data from the BRC’s TAMS (Television Audience Measurement Survey) and RAMS Amplify™ (Radio Audience Measurement Survey), the PRC’s Read2022 (REader Audience Data) and NielsenIQ CPS (Consumer Panel Services – Home Panel) and Nielsen Media’s DCS (Digital Consumer Survey).
Fusion22 will provide the media planning industry free access to the most comprehensive 360° consumer view of all people, products, and platforms, as well as segmentations including SEM (Socio-Economic Measure) and NLI (Neighbourhood Lifestyle Index).
The media and advertising industry are invited to register for the virtual presentation.
When: 18 October 2022
Time: 15H00
Where: Virtual Presentation Registration
Presenters will include Jonathon Wells (Senior Vice President Data Science
Nielsen Media International, Terry Murphy (Managing Director
Nielsen Media South Africa), Gary Whitaker (BRC’s CEO) and Peter Langschmidt (PRC’s Research Consultant).