The 60 Minutes Fight Against Drug & Alcohol NPC drives an annual roadshow with the primary purpose to educate, empower and offer addiction-related solutions to both people who are experimenting with addictive substances, their family members and encourage sobriety for those who are not yet experimenting, and hope for those who are.
The roadshow was paused for a period of two years while observing the regulations created by legislation as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. With the lapsing of the national state of disaster the roadshow returns and will be once again touring schools educating, empowering, and giving hope of a better future.
“One of our short-term goals was to introduce the production to corporate companies and have it incorporated as part of the corporate’s Employee Wellness Programme. We are pleased to announce that we have successfully attained that goal with our long-standing sponsor, SAPPI SAICCOR enrolling this production for its employees. We certainly hope that more companies will join suite as we believe that this production has a lot to offer the workforce as far as substance abuse, rehabilitation and wellness is concerned” said Brighton Hlatshwayo, Director of the NPC.
The production will feature theatre style storytelling by in-patients of The Cedars Addictions Treatment Centre telling a story based on real life experiences, entertainment pieces by our local youth entertainers, motivation by Counsellors and shares by addicts in recovery.
The roadshow is scheduled for the 26th to the 28th July 2022 and will be impacting the following schools and company:
1. Umkomaas Secondary School
2. Queensburgh Girls High School
3. Queensburgh High School
4. Umzinto Prison (the school)
5. Sappi Saiccor
As always, we will be hosting a dress rehearsal which will be open to the public prior to the main tour commencing. The dress rehearsal will take place on the 25th of July 2022 at Umkomaas Primary School Hall. A fee of R25 is payable at the entrance. We encourage members of the public to attend as this show as it will offer education and support to family members of persons experimenting with addictive substance, share real-life experiences of addicts in recovery and give messages of hope to active addicts and those in recovery. The theme is WE DO RECOVER.
For any information regarding the production and events, Brighton may be contacted on 083 743 3435 or by email at