Effie SA launches 2023 season: Call for entries

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Effie South Africa launched the 2023 Effie Awards season and call for entries during a virtual launch held on the 22nd of March 2023. At the launch, which included a workshop on how to write a winning Effie entry, it was announced that entries would be accepted on the Effie Awards South Africa online entry platform from midnight on the 6th of April 2023.

South African agencies, clients, media partners and start-ups are invited to submit their entries via the Effie Awards South Africa website. Acceptance of entries via the portal will close at midnight on Wednesday, the 14th of June 2023.

Now in its third year on home soil, the world’s preeminent marketing effectiveness awards programme is levelling up through its partnership with the Nedbank IMC Conference – Africa’s leading marketing conference. The merging of the two premier industry events means that Friday, the 15th of September 2023, will see the Nedbank IMC Conference serving as home of the Effie South Africa summit. The awards ceremony will be held following the conference, both of which will take place at Urban Brew Studios in Randburg.

“As in previous years, we look forward to uncovering the work that delivered on campaign-stated objectives. This year, however, sees the introduction of our partnership with the Nedbank IMC Conference – a partnership we are particularly proud to be part of. The collaboration between agency and client is absolutely critical in the formation and execution of an effective campaign, and we’re very excited to see insights and results in effective marketing play out at both events,” says Mathe Okaba, CEO at the ACA – organiser of the Effie Awards programme in South Africa.  

Entry Categories

Entrants can look forward to over 70 categories across two category groups, as has been the case in the past. Campaign eligibility dates for the Sustained Success Category are 1 February 2020 – 31 January 2023 [36 months] and 1 February 2021 – 31 January 2022 [12 months] for all other categories.

Full details on how to enter, including details on the categories and entry requirements, can be found on the “how to enter” tab at www.effieawards.co.za. It is recommended that entrants download and familiarise themselves with all the entry documents, categories and requirements before initiating the online entry process.

“We’re bringing marketers and agencies closer together this year, with the emphasis squarely on those partnerships, and we cannot emphasise the importance of that collaborative spirit enough. Whichever way we wish to look at it, what we do as a sector and as a profession is about results. This is echoed by the Effie/Nedbank IMC Conference partnership. So, be prepared for incredible insights at the conference, and find out how they are converted into effective marketing campaigns at the Effie Awards,” concludes Okaba.

Entry Deadlines and Fees for the Effie Awards South Africa 2023:

Early bird06-Apr-2317-May-23R7 875R8 663
On-time18-May-2331-May-23R9 845R10 638
Last minute01-Jun-2314-Jun-23R14 766R16 243

For more information visit the Effie Awards South Africa website at www.effieawards.co.za or visit www.acasa.co.za.

Join the conversation – #EffieAwardsSA | #MarketingUpClose | #NedbankIMC2023  

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